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Coal Mine Interferometer

Coal Mine Interferometer

  • 矿井下分布式光纤定位精度及感测距离研究

    2024年7月24日 — 摘要: 煤矿井下分布式光纤定位系统通常采用双MachZehnder 干涉仪分布式光纤振动传感技术,针对该技术存在感测距离短、系统空间分辨率低等问题,采用两 In this paper, According to mine gas accident frequent and the shortages of traditional gas monitoring system, puts forward some eigenvalue fabryperot interference (EFPI) technology, its spectrum domain to study the FiberOptic Sensing of Coal Mine Gas Based on 2011年9月23日 — In this paper, According to mine gas accident frequent and the shortages of traditional gas monitoring system, puts forward some eigenvalue fabryperot Fiberoptic Sensing of Coal Mine Gas based on Fabry Perot 2019年2月11日 — The experimental system mainly consists of a laser Doppler interferometer, a coal mine roadway model, a dust generator, a ventilation device, a roadway Experimental characterization of multinozzle atomization

  • Passive Seismic Structure Imaging of a Coal

    2021年11月1日 — Passive Seismic Structure Imaging of a Coal Mine by Ambient Noise Seismic Interferometry on a Dense Array November 2021 Acta Geologica Sinica 95 (S1):3739 DOI: 101111/17556724148262011年10月1日 — In this paper, According to mine gas accident frequent and the shortages of traditional gas monitoring system, puts forward some eigenvalue fabryperot FiberOptic Sensing of Coal Mine Gas Based on Fabry Perot Interferometer2021年11月27日 — Passive Seismic Structure Imaging of a Coal Mine by Ambient Noise Seismic Interferometry on a Dense Array Ning GU, Michal CHAMARCZUK, Ji GAO, Passive Seismic Structure Imaging of a Coal Mine by 2022年7月27日 — In order to improve the methane measurement accuracy in coal mines and to determine the influence of environmental interference factors on the measurement results, we designed a spherical, Research on Methane Measurement and

  • Deformation monitoring of Surakachhar underground coal mines

    2022年12月15日 — In this study deformation monitoring of Korba underground coal mines in Chhattisgarh, India was performed using the Synthetic aperture radar remote sensing In 2011年10月1日 — In this paper, According to mine gas accident frequent and the shortages of traditional gas monitoring system, puts forward some eigenvalue fabryperot FiberOptic Sensing of Coal Mine Gas Based on Fabry Perot 2011年9月23日 — Fabry Perot interferometer fiber Doublewavelengths gas 摘要 In this paper, According to mine gas accident frequent and the shortages of traditional gas monitoring system, puts forward some eigenvalue Fiberoptic Sensing of Coal Mine Gas based on Fabry Perot 2019年11月28日 — Hard coal has been mined in the region since the 17th century, with commercial mining starting around 1750 Currently, 30 underground hard coal mines are operating in that region, and these produce around 66 million tons of hard coal per year (CBDG, 2016)While the depth of mining was less than 50 m at the beginning of the Sinkhole occurrence monitoring over shallow abandoned coal mines

  • High Stability Dual Beam Interferometer Sensor for Non

    2023年11月10日 — As a noncontact photoacoustic sensor, the reflector of one arm of dual beam interferometer sensor is usually composed of the upper surface of the ultrasonic coupling liquid coated on the surface of the sample The vibration of the outside and the scanning motor cause the liquid level to shake, causing the reflected probe light path to 2018年11月1日 — The nozzles were installed in the Dopplerlaserinterferometerbased experimental platform for the measurement of dust suppression The spray test experiment is shown in Fig 13 The fullymechanized coal mining face has a narrow space but comprises multiple production processes, thereby setting quite high restrictions on the Numerical simulations on airflowdust diffusion rules with Study on Coal Mine Gas Optical Fiber Sensor Based on Spectrum Absorption[J] SAFETY IN COAL MINES 38(8) 2007 69 Google Scholar [7] Zhou Mengran Li Zhenbi Zhu Zongjiu The interlocking signal device of a new type wind FiberOptic Sensing of Coal Mine Gas Based on Fabry Perot Interferometer2022年9月15日 — The liquid medium generally sprayed in coal mines for dust suppression is ordinary clean water, and the density of the air medium is relatively small the spray experimental platform mainly included a mine roadway simulation device, a phase Doppler laser interferometer, a spray device, a frequency conversion fan, a flowmeter, a water Research on the blowingspraying synergistic dust removal

  • 矿井下分布式光纤定位精度及感测距离研究

    2024年7月24日 — When the mine disaster happens,it can locate the trapped people accurately,and guarantee the effective rescue time. Key words: coal mine, distributed optical fiber vibration sensing technology, asymmetric double MachZehnder interferometer,2012年1月1日 — In view of the low sensitivity and the poor spatial resolution of the OTDR distributed optical fiber vibration sensing technology used in the underground positioning system of coal minesRescue Monitoring System in Coal Mine Disaster Based on 2022年1月13日 — Mao Khe is the biggest underground coal mine in Vietnam The coal production is about 15 million tons in the year of 2005 and will be increased year by year rapidlyDetermination of methane content at Maokhe coal mine from curent mining 2023年3月14日 — Extraction of underground coal or mineral by the caving methods leads to surface deformations and the accurate measurement of this deformation is becoming a demanding task Thus, the study demonstrates a Persistent Scatterer Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PSInSAR) technique for surface subsidence measurement Monitoring of Subsidence Over a Continuous MinerBased Coal Mine

  • Fibre optic sensors for coal mine hazard detection

    2018年8月1日 — A number of health and safety hazards present in underground coal mines, which include methane gas explosion, A low cost, compactextrinsic Fabry–Perot interferometer (EFPI) based on a polyethylene diaphragm for vibration detection is proposed A fiber optic Fabry–Perot accelerometer (FOFPA) with a diameter of 100 mm 2019年11月1日 — We experimentally demonstrate transverse load and strain sensing based on a fiber optic FabryPerot interferometer (FPI) with special air cavity, which was created by fusion splicing single mode fiber (SMF), hollow core fiber (HCF) and several electrical Temperatureinsensitive fiber optic FabryPerot In our country, as the great threat caused by gas explosion or gas accident to the safety in coal mine production, the development of gas monitoring system is key to preventing accidents beforehand Putted into interferometer, the amplitude and the intensity of the incident ray carrying the information of gas concentration are divided many times by Research on Spectrum Domain White Light Interference Demodulation 2022年9月15日 — The above research on dust suppression by spraying has contributed to reducing coal dust pollution in fully mechanized faces to a great extent; however, it is still difficult to meet dust prevention requirements of coal mine The average mining height of the 22,104 fully mechanized face in Shangwan Coal Mine is 63 mResearch on the blowingspraying synergistic dust removal

  • Belt conveyor speed detection based on fiberoptic Sagnac

    2024年2月1日 — With their long transportation distance and high productivity, belt conveyors are characterized as the main equipment for bulk material transportation in coal mines and other key industries However, its speed detection method has always been an 2020年9月1日 — In recent years, coal has comprised more than 50% of China’s primary energy resources and is without doubt the principal energy source in China (BP, 2019; Hua et al, 2018; Li et al, 2020b; National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2019; China Electric Power Planning Engineering Institute, 2019)In order to satisfy the energy demands of Effect of spraying on coal dust diffusion in a coal mine based This means that geographically dispersed industries such as oil and gas, coal mining and waste management, can now accurately and precisely monitor emissions across sites quickly, easily and at a lower cost compared to ontheground monitoring operations The Interferometer was invented in the late 19th century by the scientist, Albert Emission Sensing Technology GHGSat6 ) Hongchu Wang , Xiaowei Wu,Hongyun Meng,Allfiber flattop comb filter based on a Mach–Zehnder interferometer cascading a Michelson interferometer Optik , 2015 , 126 ( 19 ): 18061808 ( SCI )华南师范大学数学科学学院

  • Design and Development of an IoTBased Gas Monitoring

    2023年6月8日 — Safety in underground coal mines is a major challenge whenever the mine comprises of toxic gases The risk of the presence of gas influences the overall productivity of the mines, which is a subject of concern to the mining industry A D6 Methanometer, Automatic Fire Damp Detector, Methane Monitor (MEMACS–I), Riken Interferometer, etc Check if you need a mining report You can search using the Coal Authority’s online search service You’ll need to know the property’s postcode and boundaries You’ll get the search Find out if a property is affected by coal mining GOVUK2020年2月27日 — Juan mine in New Mexico, USA; the Appin mine in New South Wales, Australia; and the Bulianta mine in Inner Mongolia, China These coal mines were selected for their large coal production rates and/or previous reports of large methane emissions4,15,28,29 Here, we examine GHGSatD observations of the coal mine vents Quantifying TimeAveraged Methane Emissions from Abstract: Based on the particularity analysis of coal mine accidents and fire occurred, a rescue robot is designed for coal mine and fire rescue This robot adopts four tracks composite drive mechanism with front and rear machine hinged, and has good climbing, obstacle capability, the ground adaptability, mechanical properties, waterproof, fireproof, New Structural Design of Coal Mine Rescue Robot

  • The GHGSatD imaging spectrometer Copernicus

    2021年3月18日 — oil–gas, power generation, coal mining, waste management, and agriculture sectors around the world 11 Methane monitoring for industry Methane is a potent greenhouse gas whose concentration has increased from 720 to 1800ppb since preindustrial times Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European coal mine interferometertype SHI11 is a portable device which is designed to determine the concentration of methane and carbon dioxide in mine air of active coal mine interferometer coiffureenscene2023年12月15日 — The phenomenon of coal seam burning is rather serious in the process of coal mining [1] The mining of spontaneously combustible coal seams is threatened by coal spontaneous combustion (CSC)induced fires, and the concentrations of hazardous gases such as CO, CH 4 and CO 2 in such disaster environment may exceed the limits [2], [3] A novel temperature compensation approach of IR gas sensors in coal mines职 称 特别副研究员 博导 硕导 学院及 专业 机械与车辆学院 机械工程 办公地址 北京理工大学1号教学楼1392 邮 编 办公010 邮 件 gmeng Wang — 北京理工大学

  • Coal mining Definition, History, Types, Facts Britannica

    2024年9月25日 — Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel on Earth Its predominant use has always been for producing heat energy It was the basic energy source that fueled the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries, and the industrial growth of that era in turn supported the largescale exploitation of coal deposits Since the mid20th century, With their long transportation distance and high productivity, belt conveyors are characterized as the main equipment for bulk material transportation in coal mines and other key industries However, its speed detection method has always been an engineering challenge under harsh working conditions In this work, the elasticoptical effect of the Belt conveyor speed detection based on fiberoptic Sagnac Optical Interferometer for Measuring Gas Purity in Air / O2 / N2 and CO2 founder first developed the technology for Methane detection to help prevent explosion accidents on oil tankers and in coal mines FI8000 Riken Keiki FI8000 Optical InterferometerSatellites 1 and 2 (ERS1 and ERS2) respectively in 1991 and in 1995 They flew in tandem in the same orbit with 1day time interval at the elevation of 850 km, and aimed at SAR interferometric Geometry of repeatpass interferometric SAR

  • Interferometric Radar IDS GeoRadar

    Integrated use of satellite and groundbased SAR enables mining professionals to extend the concept of safety monitoring in space and time strip coal mines and tailing dams Highresolution radar system for 2023年8月24日 — Abstract Safety in underground coal mines is a major challenge whenever the mine comprises of toxic gases The risk of the presence of gas influences the overall produc Riken Interferometer, etc [5] The level of CO can be measured using various devices, such as CO detector tubes, Hoopcalite tubes, Hoolamite tubes and multigas Design and Development of an IoTBased Gas 2018年4月3日 — Cavity Optical Fiber Fabry–Perot Interferometer as a Flow Sensor With Temperature SelfCalibrated Journal of 34Xia, Tianhao,Zhou, Bin,Liu, Weisheng,Guan, Zuguang,A coal mine security monitoring system 周斌 副教授 华南师范大学华南先进光电子研究院 scnu 2022年8月1日 — 9748 Q Tu et al: Quantifying hard coal mines CH4 emissions 1 Introduction Atmospheric methane (CH4) is the second most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) with a larger global warming potential than carbon dioxide (CO2) (IPCC, 2014) The globally averaged amount of atmospheric CH4 has in creased by 260% to 1877 2ppb Quantifying 4 emissions in hard coal mines from

  • Characteristics of Water Hazards in China’s Coal Mines: A

    2021年3月26日 — China’s coal mines face very complicated hydrogeological conditions and are affected by many complex water hazards Based on the condition of the coal seams and an analysis of regional hydrogeological and geological conditions, China's coalproducing regions have been divided into six major hazard regions This paper summarizes the 2007年10月1日 — Fiber optic sensors have become increasingly attractive for application in advanced intelligent coal mines, which consist of extensive sensor network to monitor the structural integrity Fiber optic sensorsbased intelligent coal mines art no2020年9月28日 — Early coal mining and management methods left a large number of unknown goafs in China’s important Ordos Basin, which has restricted the safe production in today’s largescale mines The transient electromagnetic (TEM) method is the main geophysical tool used to detect the goaf We considered the geological conditions of Detection of Abandoned Coal Mine Goaf in China’s Ordos 2011年9月23日 — In this paper, According to mine gas accident frequent and the shortages of traditional gas monitoring system, puts forward some eigenvalue fabryperot interference (EFPI) technology, its spectrum domain to study the mechanism of white light Fiberoptic Sensing of Coal Mine Gas based on Fabry Perot

  • Sinkhole occurrence monitoring over shallow abandoned coal mines

    2019年11月28日 — Hard coal has been mined in the region since the 17th century, with commercial mining starting around 1750 Currently, 30 underground hard coal mines are operating in that region, and these produce around 66 million tons of hard coal per year (CBDG, 2016)While the depth of mining was less than 50 m at the beginning of the 2023年11月10日 — As a noncontact photoacoustic sensor, the reflector of one arm of dual beam interferometer sensor is usually composed of the upper surface of the ultrasonic coupling liquid coated on the surface of the sample The vibration of the outside and the scanning motor cause the liquid level to shake, causing the reflected probe light path to High Stability Dual Beam Interferometer Sensor for Non 2018年11月1日 — The nozzles were installed in the Dopplerlaserinterferometerbased experimental platform for the measurement of dust suppression The spray test experiment is shown in Fig 13 The fullymechanized coal mining face has a narrow space but comprises multiple production processes, thereby setting quite high restrictions on the Numerical simulations on airflowdust diffusion rules with Study on Coal Mine Gas Optical Fiber Sensor Based on Spectrum Absorption[J] SAFETY IN COAL MINES 38(8) 2007 69 Google Scholar [7] Zhou Mengran Li Zhenbi Zhu Zongjiu The interlocking signal device of a new type wind FiberOptic Sensing of Coal Mine Gas Based on Fabry Perot Interferometer

  • Research on the blowingspraying synergistic dust removal

    2022年9月15日 — The liquid medium generally sprayed in coal mines for dust suppression is ordinary clean water, and the density of the air medium is relatively small the spray experimental platform mainly included a mine roadway simulation device, a phase Doppler laser interferometer, a spray device, a frequency conversion fan, a flowmeter, a water 2024年7月24日 — When the mine disaster happens,it can locate the trapped people accurately,and guarantee the effective rescue time. Key words: coal mine, distributed optical fiber vibration sensing technology, asymmetric double MachZehnder interferometer,矿井下分布式光纤定位精度及感测距离研究2012年1月1日 — In view of the low sensitivity and the poor spatial resolution of the OTDR distributed optical fiber vibration sensing technology used in the underground positioning system of coal minesRescue Monitoring System in Coal Mine Disaster Based on 2022年1月13日 — Mao Khe is the biggest underground coal mine in Vietnam The coal production is about 15 million tons in the year of 2005 and will be increased year by year rapidlyDetermination of methane content at Maokhe coal mine from curent mining

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